
Building a Stronger You

I think it’s fair to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned everybody’s daily routine upside down. Some people have had to balance work, kids and running a household, some have been out of work for over a year, and others have spent a huge amount of time alone. These times have not been easy for anyone, and have had a significant impact on peoples mental and physical health. If you are tired
of feeling down, unmotivated and lost without your routine then now is the time for YOU to take back control of your life – and I am here to help you do it. Here are some simple tips that I found really helpful in getting me back into a routine, with a clear mind and a healthy body.

For your mind:

  • Change your mindset from a fixed to a growth mindset -> Check this out
  • Take accountability for yourself and your own actions/efforts
  • Plan your week in advance
  • Implement small daily habits back into your life, don’t change too much too fast e.g.
- Breathing
- Meditation
- Movement
- A cold shower
- A sea dip

For your body:

  • Start off slowly - approximately 3 days a week
  • Focus on body awareness and strength training - build a healthy body before progressing to more high intensity and metabolic training
  • Stick to a training programme
  • Make good food choices and keep hydrated
  • Track your calories and progress to help achieve your desired results
  • Ensure to have some recovery days to help the body recover

Implementing some or all of the above will provide huge benefits to your mind, your body and your overall well-being. As we (hopefully) near the end of this pandemic, and start to get back to some sort of normal way of life, it is important for us to begin taking these steps – and to come back from this healthier and happier than ever before.

Free immunity support recipe pack



“Imagine with all your mind
Believe with all your heart
Achieve with all your might”